Providing key services to the telecommunications and infrastructure industry.

We specialise in site audits, structural inspections, detailed structural analysis and tower design, tower strengthening and extensions, steelwork fabrication, decommissioning, engineering solutions and maintenance, and temporary works.

About Us

OVNI Engineering is a civil & structural engineering consultancy founded and based in Glasgow.

The senior management team have established a reputation for bespoke technical and engineering solutions, applied in a practical and pragmatic manner to meet the often-unique challenges that our clients face.

We pride ourselves on being responsive and flexible, aiming to support clients that may have tight and onerous deadlines. We achieve this by drawing on our extensive experience within the industry, and also our quality focussed management procedures that have been built around project delivery.


Our Key Services

Site Audits

To help our clients manage their portfolio of lattice towers and rooftop sites effectively, a clear and concise understanding of what is installed and how it has been installed is essential.

OVNI Engineering conduct site audits to positively identify equipment to help our clients facilitate a comparison to what has been agreed in leases.

The scope of the audit can be developed to suit individual clients’ circumstances and can often extend to a full site audit and comparison against the as-built drawings. The site audit plays an important introductory role to our structural analysis, as it is important to understand the compliment of equipment installed and to identify any redundant equipment which can be removed. Ultimately helping to reduce structural loading and create additional capacity within the existing structure.

Detailed structural analysis and tower design

Structures are analysed by our in-house engineering department using industry standard structural analysis packages MS Tower, DE Tower, Staad and Open Tower. Loading and member capacities are calculated in accordance with Eurocode 3 or BS 8100, depending on client’s requirement/specification.

On completion of the assessment, a comprehensive tower design appraisal report is published, highlighting the applicable loading criteria along with the maximum calculated utilisation of the main structural elements. In order to confirm suitability of the structure, foundation checks are completed to ensure that the foundation is suitable to support the proposed loads.

OVNI Engineering have an extensive library of telecommunications structures that allow us to undertake desktop analyses of different manufacturers’ towers. If the tower manufacturer or structure is unknown, a structural survey can be undertaken to accurately record all structural elements to allow the structural model to be created.

As part of the advancement in technologies the most recent upgrade configurations are creating scenarios whereby structures are no longer assessed against the equivalent static method, and as such a spectral analysis is required. OVNI Engineering has the capability to complete this assessment on any tower that has the static equivalent criterion of greater than 1.

Tower Strengthening and extension

Extending a tower can often provide a useful way of increasing the volume of sharers on a tower, or simply to assist with mobile coverage that the MNO’s require. OVNI Engineering has experience of designing, fabricating and installing tower extensions to suit specific clients’ briefs. Whether it be a tower extension to cater for the immediate needs or designed with built in future capacity, OVNI Engineering can accommodate.

Tower extension works generally follow on from our structural analysis, whereby confirmation is given that the existing infrastructure is suitable to accommodate the tower extension and the associated increase of loads. These additional loads often create over stresses in the existing structure, therefore OVNI Engineering are required to develop tower strengthening schemes to accommodate the increased loads. These schemes may result in bracing swaps, installation of additional bracing or leg strengthening. All of these works are designed and can be installed by OVNI Engineering with the steel fabricated by our CE approved fabrication service.


Structural inspections

The need for connectivity in urban environments has never been as important as it is today, therefore the need for stealth and rooftop sites are essential resulting in telecommunications equipment being installed on aged buildings and infrastructure.

Although necessary to deal with network demands this can often lead to issues with the parent structure. OVNI Engineering deploy engineers to review the parent structure and the site in its entirety, with the aim of reporting factually and accurately.

More often than not there is no clear-cut delineation of why something has happened, and often involves a pragmatic and forensic review of the site to understand reasonable and practicable causes of what may have happened. OVNI Engineering offer recommendations for what needs to be done to fix the issues and create a solution that is safe, cost effective and suitable for all parties.

Steelwork Fabrication

OVNI Engineering has a dedicated CE approved fabrication resource and in conjunction with our engineering team, we design and manufacture a wide range of steelwork products.

This includes but not limited to, bespoke antenna support mounts and poles, face frames and structural members. Using our site experience and engineering ability, OVNI Engineering spans the gap between theoretical and practical engineering.

Engineering solutions and maintenance

Maintaining sites is essential to ensuring the continued integrity of towers and buildings. Our Site Audits and Structural Inspections recommend suitable maintenance and engineering solutions that should be undertaken, ranging from bolt replacement, grouting the underside of monopoles/tower legs, replacing damaged or corroded members, replacing fall arrest systems or installation of a suitable anti climb system.

Our in-house resources manage this process from start to finish, so that we can offer a one stop shop for specifying, sourcing and installing the solution. OVNI Engineering can occupy the Principal Designer and/or Principal Contractor role as instructed by our clients.


Site Audits can often highlight legacy equipment that should be removed from the structure to gain additional structural capacity. OVNI Engineering has experience in undertaking the decommissioning of equipment at height using rigging and lifting techniques, to full tower decommissioning using cranes and heavy-duty plant.

This can often be in remote and difficult locations; whereby unique methods have to be deployed. OVNI Engineering manage this process from order to handover, ensuring that every eventuality is covered, and a successful decommissioning is achieved.

Temporary works

The senior management team at OVNI Engineering have extensive experience in Temporary Works, working on major projects throughout the UK. This allows OVNI Engineering to bring knowledge and new techniques to the telecommunications industry and provide an engineered solution that is used to support or protect either a structure during construction, an item of plant or equipment, the sides of an excavation during construction operations or to provide access.

With the advancement of the mobile networks into areas of no coverage, a knowledge and understanding of temporary works is essentially to supporting the roll out of these technical and highly bespoke structures. OVNI Engineering can also support mainstream industries by supplying calculations and designs for solutions such as hoardings, fencing, formwork, falsework and shoring.